On Friday Rick said everyone must make a blog about learning my way. He wants to know what you like about it or did it help you. Can you do it on your own.
It was so good. Writing it is like an email to me so that is what we did. when we finished at 4 clock I said to Wendy and Ambrozene lets go and have tea and biscuits in the cafe. So we ordered two hot chocolate drinks and a hot glass of milk for me.
There we talked about learning my way and saying it was so helpful. We all learned something new. We enjoyed ourselves. then we went to the Dalston market. Wendy wanted to buy a warm hat we saw one. She said to me Does it look good? I said yes to her it was a beautiful red hat. then we went home.
Ambrozene, Hardeep and Wendy in the café |
The Red Hat (Mildmay Community Centre - 2 February 2024) |